Tuesday, 7 February 2017


This blog will focus on activities in Trinidad and Tobago that kids can enjoy. I'm a mother of a 9 year old boy Matthew, who is focused too much on video games and YouTube reviews of Minecraft that I began seeking alternate choices for him to spend his time.

Finding new activities beside the regular football and cricket camps was a challenge. I would search newspapers for possible advertisements on what was offered and frequently that turned up empty. Most recent I was surprised to learn that Trinidad offered Archery Classes in south. My interactions with other parents provided that flow of creative exchange on what our kids were into and what they could try. That was my best source since websites were outdated and you had to know something exists before you could find them on Facebook.

After much thought I felt that one location for all activities would be the most helpful to all the busy moms out there (and yes dads too), who desperately try to balance work, home, family and most of all their sanity!

The aim of this blog is to identify the exciting alternatives to video games to involve our kids in. I hope you enjoy my upcoming posts as much as I will enjoy putting them together. Take some time to read our journey as we explore new things within our shores', and let me know if you are looking for anything in particular....